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The advent of internet technology has witnessed the growth of many online opportunities. It is now possible to get money by offering your services to a global market as long as you have an internet connection.

Freelance Writer versus Full-Time Writing

 In the past few years, freelance writing is exhibiting tremendous growth. While many people are juggling between full time writing and freelancing. Some are weighing the options of leaving their writing jobs for freelancing. There are advantages to both of them. While there is an advantage of working part-time as a writer and freelancer in the sense that you double your income. 

But looking at both, how can one choose the one that suits them. 


Advantages and disadvantages of freelancing

  1. You choose your own time and place to work from

The idea of having no physical limitations when working as a freelancer is something to admire. As a freelancer, you do not need to attach yourself to any office, but you can work from any place you feel comfortable. 

The disadvantage of this is not apparent. Though having freedom, it can lead to anxiety. 

Some full-time writing jobs also offer remote work. So, this rule applies to them.

  1. The amount you get paid is dependent on your drive.

If you grow, you earn more, but on the flip side, if you don’t work hard, you’ll not make it.

  1. Plenty of inspiration

As a freelance writer, you get a lot of inspiration from different things such as travel, reading a book, or the liberty of working in different places. 

The disadvantage of this is that you have to always search for that motivation. For those whose motivation comes from travel, it happens to be a bit expensive and have to look for another source of inspiration.


Advantages and disadvantages of Full-time writing


  1. Paycheck security

As a full-time writer, you can make a lot of money. Of course, you will need to learn a few skills, like using WordPress and SEO tools. 

The disadvantage of this is that unlike freelancing, you will not have the freedom and flexibility. Unless you work in a company that offers flexibility and allows remote working, if you choose to be a full-time writer, choose one that allows remote operation.

  1. Mentorship 

As a freelancer, you do not have someone you look up to or a mentor. You are the one who advises the client on what to do.

When working full time, you have people with whom you can share your ideas. But you also have people you can emulate. A freelancer will not get any mentorship or platform to learn from others through the process. You will also have leaders who will help you improve in your writing or service that you do.

  1. Time off

As a full-time writer, you have time designated for vacation. You get to rest. For most freelancers, you can get caught up in always working or looking for jobs that you don’t get time to just rest 

  1. Just writing

You are only focused on writing if that is your job title.

As a freelancer, you double up as a manager, sales team, accountant, etc. But as a freelance writer, you focus on writing, which is what you want to do.




The choice to stick to a full-time job or become a freelancer is not an easy one. Both sides have pros that we desire. But at the end of the day, the choice lies with what works for you.

To enjoy freelance. Build up a freelance business. It may take a couple of years. Automate it, and it can give you a second income if you are still on your full-time job.

If you are to settle for full-time writing, look for a team to join and not a company.

